• 2023.0306

    The Development of Reporting Guideline of clinical Practice Guidelines in General Practice provides detailed guidance for the makers and writers of the general practice guidelines, which will further improve the reporting quality of the general practice guidelines, especially the Chinese general practice guidelines, and promote the application in general medical practice, thus finally improving the quality of primary medical care.

  • 2023.0220

    Professor Gordon Guyatt of McMaster University and Professor Victor Montori of the Mayo Clinic jointly published a paper in the British Medical Journal (BMJ) entitled: Guidelines should consider clinicians' time needed to treat on January 3, 2023.

  • 2022.1126

    IGEST is a generic tool for screening guidelines for any specialty, target population, and healthcare organization, but it is intended only as a screening tool, primarily for quickly assessing guideline quality and determining whether they can be adopted or adapted in other settings, and is not a substitute for some of the more complex guideline quality evaluation tools.

  • 2022.1031

    In July 2022, Jose F. Meneses-Echavez et al. from the Norwegian Institute of Public Health published an article in the Journal of Clinical Epidemiology entitled "Evidence to decision frameworks enabled structured and explicit development of healthcare recommendations". The aim of this study was to identify and describe the processes suggested for the formulation of healthcare recommendations in healthcare guidelines available in guidance documents.

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  • 2024.0724
    Thyroid cancer is the fourth malignant tumor in Chinese women. Although the survival rate of differentiated thyroid cancer is very high, there are still problems such as recurrence and metastasis, surgical complications, and adverse reactions of TSH inhibition. A small number of refractory and advanced thyroid cancers are not well treated. In recent years, a large number of clinical practices and studies have been carried out in the diagnosis and treatment of thyroid cancer with integrated traditional Chinese and western medicine, but there is a lack of corresponding guidelines and standards. The existing guideline for the diagnosis and treatment of thyroid cancer with Chinese medicine is the edition in 2008, which is relatively simple and outdated, and lacks TCM differentiation and treatment methods according to different treatment stages and pathological types of thyroid cancer, and lacks evidence-based basis. The guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of thyroid cancer with integrated traditional Chinese and western medicine will, on the basis of systematic evaluation of existing research results, integrate new knowledge and new progress in the diagnosis and treatment of Western medicine, formulate the diagnosis and treatment norms and standards of traditional Chinese and Western medicine for this disease, and provide a basis for clinical promotion and application. It plays a very important role in improving the curative effect and the quality of life of the patients by giving full play to the characteristic advantages of TCM and Western medicine in the diagnosis and treatment of thyroid cancer.
Registration process and operational mode of a CPG registry