Clinical practice guideline on treating cough in adult patients with Chinese patent medicines

Title: Clinical practice guideline on treating cough in adult patients with Chinese patent medicines
Edition: Original
Classification: Traditional Chinese Medicine guideline
Field: Treatment
Countries and regions: China
Guidelines users: This guideline can be applied to medical personnel, public health personnel, scientific research workers who treat chronic cough, subacute cough and acute cough diseases, as well as patients suffering from the above three types of cough.
Evidence classification method: We will import the evidence of Chinese patent medicine for treating adult cough into the GRADE system, conduct a summary evaluation of the certainty of the evidence, make a summary table of evidence, and form a list of recommended opinion items. GRADE approach provides a method for evaluating the certainty of the evidence and strength of recommendations for the clinical practice guideline. GRADE approach based on risk of bias, inconsistency, indirectness, publication bias, and imprecision. We will use GRADE approach to formulate the recommendations and categorized the strength of recommendations as “strong” and “weak” by comprehensively considering the balance of benefits and harms, the certainty of evidence, cost, clinical feasibility, accessibility, and clinical acceptability.
Development unit: Lanzhou University;Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital of Guangdong Province
Registration time: 2021-05-10
Registration number: IPGRP-2021CN107
Purpose of the guideline: Cough is the most common symptom of patients in respiratory specialist clinics and community clinics. It has the characteristics of high morbidity, serious impact on the quality of life, and high demand for treatment. There are about 30 million cough patients in the United States every year, and chronic cough patients account for about one third of the specialist outpatients in China. Currently, there is widespread misuse and abuse of antibiotics and antitussives in the treatment of cough. Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) has certain advantages in relieving symptoms, improving quality of life, and reducing recurrence through "syndrome differentiation and treatment". Among them, Chinese patent medicines are widely used because they are easy to carry and take. In 2015, the "Guideline for the Diagnosis and Treatment of Cough" was published in China, and TCM treatment was added to this guideline for the first time, suggesting that the efficacy of TCM for the treatment of cough has begun to be recognized. However, currently there are many types of Chinese patent medicines for the treatment of cough, and there are widespread unscientific and unreasonable phenomena in clinical application. At the same time, there is also a lack of clinical evidence-based guideline for the treatment of adult cough with Chinese patent medicines. To a certain extent, the above factors affect the clinical effect. Therefore, the " Clinical practice guideline on treating cough in adult patients with Chinese patent medicines " were formulated to standardize clinical treatment, promote the application, and improve the level of Chinese patent medicines in the treatment of adult cough.